CLC supports Make-A- Wish Greece by adopting the wish of a child in need. For 2018 CLC and its Students, Anastasis A., Xara M. and Konstantinos A. adopted the wish of Nikola’s which is a SPACE CAMP in his garden. With this initiative, CLC aims to support the significant mission of Make-A-Wish, which creates wishes that have the power to transform the lives of children with very critical illnesses.
CLC’s goal, through extensive Corporate Social Responsibility actions, is to raise awareness and encourage its children to participate in volunteer actions, conveying a message of solidarity and social contribution.
With the valuable support of parents, students and employees of the education organization, CLC organized a lottery, in order to cover the needed cost for making the child’s dream come true.
We managed to gather all the amount for little Nikolas and CLC and his students were awarded in a ceremony at ATHENS COLLEGE.