Under the guidance and mentoring of the CLC team and with the help of its network Dr. Dimosthenis Zagaroulis, PHD Computer Engineering Imperial College London, CLC’s students Thanos Tapratzis & Zizel Delikanaki worked to create a platform that gathers courses from various websites and uploads them to one simple app. We process data about the courses each user clicks on and adapt our results according to the universities to which the user is applying. Seeing how a simple app may benefit – and save time to – students made us even more eager to pursue CS, thinking about all the matters that can be addressed with a little creativity and lots of Python 3 and JavaScript. An all-in-one gui app combining courses from all major MOOC platforms. These include: Coursera, Edx, MitOCW, and FutureLearn.
All the courses are locally parsed, meaning you can browse the courses stored even when offline. When online, though, additional benefits are added: By choosing universities you are planning to apply to (catered towards students) the results are going to be sorted based on the courses that users with similar preferences click on.
MOOC Platform link: